Deep Breathing and Being

kristina leonardi
5 min readMay 25, 2022


Help yourself and the world by staying present and processing one minute at a time

Photo credit: Kristina Leonardi

Whenever things get too overwhelming, my go-to technique has been to slow down, breathe, and deal with whatever is most important in the moment, even if that’s just allowing emotions to bubble up and pass through me to be released.

With so much happening on so many levels, it’s more important than ever to stay centered, grounded and present. That’s what led me to write the essay “One Day at a Time” back in 2010, but more recently I’ve been living more like Two Hours at a Time! From my experience, it’s the way to go.

Actually, my goal is to get to one minute at a time, because for a while now I have been experimenting with and observing the power of being in the present. In some ways, it allows you to squeeze more out of your day with less stress — even if it doesn’t look productive on the outside or to your to-do list. It’s about trusting yourself and what to do in any given moment because it just feels right. And when you are in that flow, everything happens exactly as it should, as I like to say, “in time and on time.”

It’s a practice, and a muscle I continue to exercise and be surprised and delighted by. I am pretty comfortable with the unknown; I think and plan as little as possible and go with the flow as much as possible, and because of that, little miracles and wonders occur all the time, like this fun afternoon in the park.

Of course not everyone’s lifestyle and schedule can function like this 24/7 (and it doesn’t mean challenges and stressful situations don’t occur!), but no matter what your daily structure and obligations, you can find a way to be as present as you can be in any task at hand — allow yourself to feel and experience it fully, no matter what.

The more we can stay in our bodies, moving and feeling through things as they come up or as we are inspired to do, the more we create a collective foundation of internal calm and grounded-ness when things are nowhere near that way in the external. Because our energy is contagious, when we are mindful of our own, we can make life better for everyone around us.

In other words, no need to be another MLK or Mother Teresa, just do some deep breathing and being! Stop and smell the roses. Lie on the grass in the sun. Listen to music that makes you feel good. Savor the food you eat. Laugh and dance more. Hug yourself and others. It’s the simple things that make us human that will get us through the cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs times we’re in.

Also, being in the moment creates opportunities you didn’t expect, like when I reached out to talk to strangers who I explain here helped me birth my new book Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower the Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul.

I made SITMI as a tool to help start your day with some grounding, to get centered and connected to yourself — and because it’s pocket-size, you can carry it as a touchstone to reinforce those empowering thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Purchase on Amazon here and if you do, please consider writing a review and/or posting anything about it on social media with the hashtag #sayittomakeit. Click here for all the IG posts so far, and scroll down to learn more and read what others are saying!


Click here to learn more about Kristina’s new book Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower Your Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul

Watch a fun video here announcing the book


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Kristina Leonardi is a nationally recognized career and life coach, speaker and author who for over 14 years has empowered individuals to make lasting professional and personal changes aligned with their true passions and talents while fulfilling their role in the world at large.With a holistic and personal growth-oriented approach, she has helped hundreds of men and women over the past decade improve their job performance, enter or re-enter the job force, change careers, better manage their time and stress, and live happier, more meaningful, balanced lives. Her specialty is working with people who feel stuck or are in transition and can help you clarify exactly what you want to do, identify blocks, issues, and patterns in your way, and offer proven ideas, resources, and action steps to get you there.

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Check out Kristina’s book Personal Growth Gab:Personal Growth Gab (PGG) Volume One: Thought-provoking, inspirational and entertaining essays to keep you connected to yourself and make sense of this journey called Life and her newest book Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower the Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul both available on Amazon.

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | A Decade of Doing What I Do | Express Yourself



kristina leonardi
kristina leonardi

Written by kristina leonardi

Speaker,Coach,Writer.Very Tall. Expertise:People. All kinds, what makes 'em tick, how they fit into the world, how they can best connect to themselves + others.

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