Fertilizer for the Soul

kristina leonardi
4 min readDec 14, 2021


How accepting death in your life can bring the gift of growth

Photo credit: Kristina Leonardi

To say there’s been a lot to navigate in our personal and professional lives over the past couple of years is an understatement.

You have probably experienced, or are continuing to experience, many types of endings and/or loss — of people, personas, places, relationships, jobs, businesses, belief systems, or ways of life in general. This is not an easy process, and it requires a certain level of awareness and courage — and tears! — to get through it in a healthy way.

Humans are generally averse to change, and the subject of death is still something we don’t examine as a culture with any mature understanding or acceptance, which causes a whole host of side effects and symptoms in our society that show up in myriad ways with fear at its root.

But transformation doesn’t happen without the removal of the old to open up space for something new. This is often a painful but necessary process that we shouldn’t deny or resist; it can actually help us reconsider and reorient our values, circumstances and behaviors. And we are always given the opportunity throughout — should we embrace it — to connect with more of who we are and express and experience more love.

What’s life going to look like going forward? I think we’re still in that in-between space — and what humans hate more than change is living in the unknown. So it’s not an easy time, no matter how you slice it. However at this point in 2021, since we’re likely more clear about what we don’t want or what no longer works or exists for us, we can at the very least exercise our “letting go” and “releasing” muscles.

We can learn to be more self-aware and supportive of our own unique journey, as well as be more loving and compassionate to those around us, because we are all going through this in one way or another.

And especially as we near the end of the year, it’s all the more reason to take some inventory and process what you need to put yourself in a place where you can be as present as possible, because that is where you will find the most peace, power and creativity to form the future.

When used as the gift that it ultimately is, death can catalyze a deep introspection and realignment, which is the fuel for evolution and growth. Like the autumn leaves falling to the ground, death is fertilizer for the soul that will bloom anew come spring.

For more thoughts on this topic, read my essay All That You Can’t Leave Behind


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Kristina Leonardi is a nationally recognized career and life coach, speaker and author who for over 14 years has empowered individuals to make lasting professional and personal changes aligned with their true passions and talents while fulfilling their role in the world at large.With a holistic and personal growth-oriented approach, she has helped hundreds of men and women over the past decade improve their job performance, enter or re-enter the job force, change careers, better manage their time and stress, and live happier, more meaningful, balanced lives. Her specialty is working with people who feel stuck or are in transition and can help you clarify exactly what you want to do, identify blocks, issues, and patterns in your way, and offer proven ideas, resources, and action steps to get you there.

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Read more about me and my work in these past PGG’s:

All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | A Decade of Doing What I Do | Express Yourself



kristina leonardi

Speaker,Coach,Writer.Very Tall. Expertise:People. All kinds, what makes 'em tick, how they fit into the world, how they can best connect to themselves + others.