Sea of Love

kristina leonardi
6 min readJul 16, 2022


Photo credit: Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

I have seen the truth

It is not as though I had invented it with my mind.

I have seen it, SEEN IT, and the living image of it has filled my soul forever…

If in one day, one hour, everything could be arranged at once.


~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky

There is wisdom that says that we operate from either fear or love. With all the fear pumped into us from birth, and which seems to be ratcheting up these past few years and now weeks (and is easily absorbed via powerful media in every form), it’s more important than ever to pay attention to and see what is influencing your thoughts, words and deeds: LOVE or FEAR.

As I mentioned in this recent essay, Albert Einstein suggested we need to address the world’s problems from a different level of consciousness than what created them. Therefore, with so much external “noise” coming at us from every which way — most of it on the fear side — it will take a lot of self-awareness, constant observation and conscious choice to live and act from a place of love.

If you don’t like or relate to the word love, perhaps use the word “unity” since love is the glue that holds us all together. (You could also use connection, peace, trust.) And if you don’t want to think of the word fear, use “separation,” since that is what is used to divide and conquer. (You could also think of it as other, discordance or division.)

So as you go through your day, think about how you are feeling and interacting with yourself, others and life itself. How much are you focusing your energy on and/or have intentions that are based in fear instead of love … and might not even realize it! As a guide, here are just some of the things that fall under each category:

Love includes abundance, joy, coherence, beauty, health, well-being.

Fear includes lack, anxiety, stress, anger, blame, worry, disease.

Where does your energy and attention tend to dwell or act from? It can be super-insidious and you might not even realize it, which is why I always tell my clients and attendees to spend some time with themselves each day for self-reflection, which helps build and strengthen that observer muscle.

Remember, as I mention in my book Say It To Make It, what we focus on grows, so after reviewing the above lists, do you live in mostly in love or in fear?

And when it comes to relationships, I’ll never forget the aha that went off years ago when I heard spiritual teacher and author Gary Zukav say that two people can’t get love from each other, but they can “swim in it together.” That is great advice for couples, but what if we extend that concept to everyone?

Can we look at everyone as if they are our lover (a la the poet Rumi), knowing that we are all swimming in a sea of love together? That might sound a bit much — but extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and humanity needs to get their you-know-what together ASAP!

This is was a big insight that came to me earlier this week (hello, full moon!) … I’ve started using it already and find that it helps; it definitely softens the edges of all interactions or situations with others, whether friends, family or out in public.

I also see the image of swimming in a sea of love with humanity as more of a state of BEING, not DOING. It removes fear-based boundaries and puts us on the same underwater wavelength, regardless of any external identifiers. It helps us to think of love as a flow state; flowing in the energy with others, remembering that we all come from the same primordial stuff, yet working, creating and interacting with one another’s unique expression in this ocean of life.

Of course we need to be practical and recognize there are some unique expressions that we may not want to swim with and need real protection from, but they are few and far between. Most people just need healing and some TLC, which is why I think if you do this kind of visualization more and more, you will see less of those less-than-loving people in your life, or at least they will be acting up less.

And as I’ve previously mentioned, because we all exist in the same what I’ve called “soup,” we all have a profound effect on each other whether you realize it or not. The interesting thing for me is that even though I’ve called it “soup,” which is a liquid, I’ve always conceptualized it as energy, atmosphere, air. I am excited by this new version of it as WATER — which represents EMOTION, which is what Love is, hence the palpability of it.

With this image, it’s easier to see how every move we make sends out ripples that touch everyone. No one is exempt from feeling them, but the closer you are, the stronger and more pronounced those ripples will be.

And with so much of our modern lives operating on the mental level through screens, we are increasingly pushed to be more disconnected with our bodies and emotions. This is also why imagining humanity swimming in a sea of love is a good sensory feeling to keep handy and revisit over and over as you move through your day, or in any meditations you might do.

It has now become my go-to image whenever I start to feel fear or any of the emotions associated with it. And if you are actually in the ocean or a pool, it would be a great visualization to do while you are physically in it! You can also visualize everyone being in a sea of love when you are in (or see) big crowds like at a baseball game or concert, or even on an airplane or when sitting in traffic …

Another thing that Einstein said was, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” We are powerful, creative beings who contribute to the reality we are experiencing far more than we know. So let’s all imagine swimming in this sea of love together … Wouldn’t you prefer to live in a sea of love rather than a world of fear? And remember: When you live from love, nothing that comes from love can harm you.

Feeling a little trepidatious to dip your toes in with me? Give me a buzz and I’ll help you become someone who says, Come on in, the water’s fine! Because the more of us who jump in fully, the better the world will be.


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Kristina Leonardi is a nationally recognized career and life coach, speaker and author who for over 14 years has empowered individuals to make lasting professional and personal changes aligned with their true passions and talents while fulfilling their role in the world at large.With a holistic and personal growth-oriented approach, she has helped hundreds of men and women over the past decade improve their job performance, enter or re-enter the job force, change careers, better manage their time and stress, and live happier, more meaningful, balanced lives. Her specialty is working with people who feel stuck or are in transition and can help you clarify exactly what you want to do, identify blocks, issues, and patterns in your way, and offer proven ideas, resources, and action steps to get you there.

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All Roads, Same Place | And Now, A Word from Our Sponsor | Strong Medicine | 10,000 Hours | A Decade of Doing What I Do | Express Yourself



kristina leonardi

Speaker,Coach,Writer.Very Tall. Expertise:People. All kinds, what makes 'em tick, how they fit into the world, how they can best connect to themselves + others.